Eilean an Àigh
Gaelic Folkways Festival and Summer Institute, 26-27 August 2016,
Macphail Homestead, Orwell, Prince Edward Island
Fèis agus Ionad Samhraidh Dualchas nan Gàidheal, 26-27 An Lùnasdal 2016,
Baile MhicPhàil, Oirbheul, Eilean a' Phrionnsa Ìomhair
Purchase Tickets / Ceannaich Tiocaidean
You can register for Eilean an Àigh: Gaelic Folkways Festival and Summer Institute by purchasing an all-inclusive pass or individual tickets to seperate events through the individual PayPal links below. To become a member of the Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead Foundation to receive discounted rates and for other enquiries please contact the Macphail Homestead directly:
Website / Làrach-lìn: http://macphailhomestead.ca/
Phone / Fòn : 902-651-2789
Address / Seòladh: 271 Macphail Park Road, Orwell, PEI, C0A 2E0
Email / Seòladh Puist-D: macphailhomestead@pei.aibn.com
Prices / Prìsean:
Festival & Summer Institute Pass (All-inclusive with lunch & refreshments): $45 ($35 with Membership) /
Bileag na Fèise agus an Ionaid Samhraidh (Na tachartasan air fad le lòn agus tì): $45 ($35 le Ballrachd)
Lecture: $10 ($5 with Membership) /
Òraid: $10 ($5 le Ballrachd)
Workshops: $35 ($25 with Membership) /
Bùithtean-obrach: $35 ($25 le Ballrachd)
Concert and Square Dance: $20 ($15 with Membership) /
Cuirm-chiùil agus Dannsa Ceàrnach $20 ($15 le Ballrachd)