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Eilean an Àigh
Gaelic Folkways Festival and Summer Institute, 26-27 August 2016,
Macphail Homestead, Orwell, Prince Edward Island
Fèis agus Ionad Samhraidh Dualchas nan Gàidheal, 26-27 An Lùnasdal 2016,
Baile MhicPhàil, Oirbheul, Eilean a' Phrionnsa Ìomhair
Heritage, it's in our nature. ~ Gaol fuinn. Gràdh dùthchais.
Baile MhicPhàil / Macphail Homestead
Gabhail Òrain... Gaelic Singing
Left to Right: Seumas Watson, Dr. John Shaw and Dr. Tiber Falzett, Eilean an Àigh 2015.
neul briathrach / word cloud
Baile MhicPhàil / Macphail Homestead
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